Detailing Tips for Proud BMW Owners

BMW has officially become the top-selling luxury car brand in the US, with a total of 324,826 sales in the country during the course of 2019. As the owner of one of these luxury BMWs, you will know how important it is to keep your car looking its best at all times. When your average car gets dirty, you simply wash it. As a BMW is such a luxury vehicle, however, expert detailing is of great importance. This can be achieved either by taking your car to be detailed by a professional or by doing it yourself. While this may sound fairly straightforward, you need to remember that there are various steps involved in detailing your car. Apart from washing the outside, you also need to detail the interior, and protect the exterior paint.

Wash your car with care

When washing the exterior of your BMW it is important to do so with the utmost of care. Start by making sure you have everything you need to give your car a wash. This includes wash pads, wheel rags, glass towels, a quality car shampoo, and a water source. Begin at the top of the car and work your way down to the wheels. This will allow you to clean the car effectively without the risk of the dirt simply being spread around the surfaces. Make sure that the cloths and wash pads you used are not going to scratch the paintwork of the car. Also, have a brush that is solely used for the tires. Once you have washed your car, you can commence with the drying process. Once again, be sure to use a cloth made from a non-abrasive material to prevent the delicate paintwork from getting scratched.

Don’t neglect your car’s interior

It is not uncommon for people to neglect the interior of a car while detailing it. When you own a BMW, however, a quick vacuum and wipe simply will not suffice. Start by dusting and vacuuming the entire interior from front to back. You can make use of a small brush to get into hard-to-reach places like the vents. In order to make the interior look its absolute best, it is important to treat the different surfaces inside the car with the care it deserves. A few essential items will make this significantly easier. This includes a set of microfiber towels, a quality stain remover, and a dashboard cleaner that prevents cracking and fading while also offering UV protection. Where possible, use chemical-free products that will be kind to your car and the environment.

Protect your paint at all costs

Keeping your car’s paintwork in a pristine condition is a key aspect of detailing. This can be attained by applying a wax treatment to the exterior surface after it has been washed, dried and polished. A BMW should, on average, be waxed at least every three months although many owners apply wax after each wash. The general rule of thumb states that as long as water drips off the car as normal, there is no need for a rewax. Although spray-on wax products work well on newer models, liquid and paste waxes do have a reputation for offering longer-lasting protection. Many BMW owners swear by carnauba wax that is derived from a Brazilian palm with the same name. It is believed to be the purest and most transparent of all available waxes.

BMW owners take great care in detailing their beloved cars. This is not surprising considering the fact that BMW is officially the top-selling luxury vehicle in the US.

How You Can Still Drive Your Dream Car No Matter How Old You Are

It’s never too late to love dream cars, and if you’re approaching your twilight years, you might think that the ship has sailed for you. However, that’s not always the case. If you’re a savvy shopper, there are many things that you could do to afford your dream vehicle, no matter your age. You can also take advantage of your situation and see if you could get additional savings. Let’s take a look at how you could own the car of your dreams, no matter how old you are.

Consider a Lease

If all you want is to drive and not worry about selling the vehicle after, then there’s always the option of leasing the car. You could drive the car for however long you wish until you’re ready to move on. You could then look for someone to do a lease transfer.

Leasing is a great option for tons of reasons. You won’t have to worry about maintenance, will always get ready assistance, and won’t have to spend as much as you would on financing. This is a great option if you just want to have fun with the vehicle and say that you’ve had the chance to drive one without breaking the bank.

Look for Senior Discounts

You might not be able to get an instant discount on a Huracán, but there are plenty of ways that you could get a discount as a senior citizen. One would be to join the AARP and get your car insured through The Hartford. They’ll give you a better car insurance quote if you’re a member. You could also get lower car insurance quotes if you decide to bundle it with your home insurance. Their plans have tons of other great features you should check for, so make sure that you look at their program for seniors and see if it’s a good choice for you.

Go Easy on the Options

You don’t need to have every single performance option on your vehicle. If budget is an issue, try to stick with the bare minimum. It’s a luxury car, after all, so even a base model will be miles ahead of your average sedan. Some options could be worth it for comfort, like a sunroof, for instance, but forget things like an integrated GPS when you can just buy one. Go easy on the entertainment options too.

Look for Gems

Some luxury vehicles drop significantly in price over time, and there are some gems to be found out there. Even if you can’t find the exact model you want, you’re bound to find something in the same ballpark. However, you still want to go with vehicles that are under warranty. Make sure that you check their reputation as far as reliability goes and how many parts go for.  


These are just some of the things you can do if you want to get the car of your dreams now. We suggest that you look at as many options as possible and don’t be afraid to compromise.

Finding Car Insurance for Your Classic or Luxury BMW

Do you own a rare, luxury, or high-value BMW? If so, you’ll definitely need to get it insured to protect it from the eventualities of life. All cars need to be insured to keep them (and you) safe, but if you own a classic or luxury vehicle, you will need to opt for a specialized insurance plan. 

Standard vehicle insurance companies are not equipped to provide the right coverage for your high-class vehicle, which could leave worrisome gaps in your insurance plan. 

Once you have a proper understanding of your BMW’s unique insurance needs, you’ll be able to choose the right provider, and the right plan to keep you covered every day.

Your BMW’s Special Insurance Needs

Your luxury or classic BMW’s insurance needs differ to an average vehicle’s. The more valuable your car is, the more it will cost you to have it insured. 

With that said, it’s not that simple. 

There are some unforeseen insurance needs on the cards that are unique to expensive cars. You should always bear these in mind when choosing your provider.

The make, model and year of your car will largely determine how much your insurance premiums will be, but there are other factors to consider too. If your vehicle’s engine is large and particularly powerful, it may warrant custom coverage. 

Sporty cars tend to be considered high risk when it comes to accidents, and you’ll likely foot the bill for this risk. If your insurance company needs to source rare or pricey parts to repair your car, your premiums may increase accordingly too.

Another factor to remember is the risk of vandalism and theft. Expensive and rare cars are obviously at higher risk of theft, and the exact risk will depend on your BMW’s make and value. Most insurance companies work according to theft statistics to determine how risky it is to cover your vehicle. If it’s a high-risk car, you’ll pay higher premiums as a result.

How Your Premiums are Calculated

Your insurer will calculate your BMW’s premiums according to several factors. These factors include:

  • Your unique driving and accident history
  • Your personal credit score
  • Your average driving distance
  • Your hometown or city and your zip code
  • Your occupation and income
  • The security of the space where you park or store your vehicle when not in use

On average, monthly insurance for luxury and classic vehicles costs more than standard vehicles. However, you can offset this price difference in a number of ways. 

First, take care to drive cautiously and to keep your driving history in good standing. Even if you have a fast car, any history of accidents and claims can drive up your premiums significantly.

Second, don’t let teenagers drive your BMW. Teens are considered high risk, and even if you list them as secondary drivers on your insurance plan, you might pay more as a result. 

Third, ask about low mileage driving plans if you don’t use your luxury car often. Many insurance providers offer special rates for drivers who don’t do much mileage in their vehicles. You can opt for several deductibles to keep your monthly charges low.

Why Standard Insurers Fall Short

Standard car insurers, also known as captive carriers, tend to fall short when covering luxury BMWs. At the end of the day, these companies are only really equipped to cover everyday vehicles, and will not know enough about your car to insure it adequately. 

Traditional providers tend to focus their efforts on getting you the lowest insurance premiums possible. This sounds appealing on paper, but if your car is classic or high-end in nature, this isn’t necessarily what you want. Cheap premiums are best suited to older and common car makes and models.

Opting for cheaper insurance can leave you and your vehicle open to problematic gaps in coverage. This could leave you in the lurch during emergencies. Additionally, standard insurance agents may battle to give you the correct information about covering your luxury BMW as they’re not likely to have dealt with such cases in the past.

Better Choices for Luxury BMWs

So, now you know that a captive insurance carrier is not your best bet when it comes to covering your car. We recommend choosing a high net worth carrier instead. 

These providers are skilled and trained in insuring high-end vehicles, and have extensive experience in offering specialized, comprehensive insurance plans. Their agents will know exactly what you need to keep your car safe. They’ll base your plan on its unique model and custom features, your driving habits, and other important factors.

If you do ever need to file a claim, these companies will be more adept at handling it without long waiting periods. Net worth carriers deal with expensive BMWs and other cars every day, and know exactly how to handle accidents or unexpected situations with ease. They generally offer appealing benefits that other carriers may not be able to, which ensures that you get the best value for your monthly payments.

Luxury BMW Insurance in a Nutshell

Keeping your greatest asset safe and secure is easy when you know which insurance plan will offer the best coverage. Steer clear of run-of-the-mill insurers who rarely have the right know-how to meet your needs as a high-end car driver.

Protect your BMW by always opting for high net worth carriers, and ask your provider to tailor your plan to your individual vehicle. By asking for a custom plan, you’ll ensure there are no gaps in your coverage that could prove problematic later down the line. You’ll also be dealing with an experienced agent who knows exactly how to cover your vehicle to bring you security and peace of mind, no matter where or how you drive.