Tag Archives: pilot program

BMW Announces Induction Charging Pilot Program for U.S.

Every so often, car companies will announce pilot programs that consumers can participate in. This is to ensure that the program they want to offer resonates well with their consumer base, while also giving people access the latest in the car industry.

Sometimes pilot programs look like a new rental program that is only scheduled to operate for a certain length of time. It may come back in the future, depending on how successful it is.

BMW has announced a U.S. pilot program of their own. BMW owners in Germany have already enjoyed the program, so now US owners will get to participate as well.

Read on to learn what the program is and how you may be able to qualify. It could end up transforming how you use and interact with your BMW.

What It Is

When consumers raise their voice about a concern or need they have, brands do their best to listen and meet those needs. One of the biggest concerns that many car owners have is how their car can leave a smaller carbon footprint.

Going green has been an issue that’s gained speed and traction in recent years. The car industry is one of the biggest players in green initiatives, since cars run off fossil fuels that damage the environment and can’t be replaced.

That’s where the new pilot program comes in. The U.S. Induction Charging Pilot Program is meant to transition BMW owners to cars that charge off of electricity, making the process easier and more approachable.

How to Qualify

BMW plans to roll out this program in California, opening it to 200 participants over 13 counties. These participants must go through an approval process, so not everyone will qualify.

The brand is looking for BMW owners who meet the following criteria:

  • Must own a garage
  • Must live on a qualifying local electrical grid
  • Must complete a 36-month 530e sedan lease

This is an excellent way for BMW consumers to try out the world of electric cars without having to spend all the money upfront on a car they’d permanently keep. They could try the car out with the driving lifestyle and see if an electric car is a good match for their needs.

How It Changes the Future

Cars that run on gasoline hurt people and the environment at the same time, even though people can’t see the immediate effects. Air and noise pollution, along with toxic oil runoff from roadways and the limited fossil fuel resources all add up when so many people buy traditional cars.

BMW’s pilot program helps change the future by making it easy to try out. Participants will have a CarPad installed under their car and a GroundPad put in their garage for free. When they park their car over the pad, it wirelessly charges their car by using magnetic induction.

The car fully charges after just fours. It saves owners time, instead of making them stop at a gas station every few days to refuel.

BMW i3 Charging
BMW i3 Charging

One of the biggest hurdles people have to make when going green with their cars is making the leap into electric vehicles. It’s intimidating for someone who’s never done it before, but BMW owners who qualify for this program can try it out for free and change the future of how they experience their car.