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Thread: 1998 540 - Has anyone used new purchased covers to replace your seat leather?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2018
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    1998 540 - Has anyone used new purchased covers to replace your seat leather?

    My front seats need redoing. I could pay $1000 to have a custom leather person do one. Or they can buy covers. Or I could do the covers, were I to buy them. Has anyone done the purchased covers themselves, where did you get them, and how hard was it? Of course I want leather.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hockinson Washington
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    I had my leather seat cover off in order to replace the upper and lower seat foam. You'll (after you have the seat removed) have to cut the rings that hold the leather to the seat frame. You will have to buy new rings and the special pliers that crimp them or I've heard some people say they just use zip ty's since they are hidden from view.

    It will be annoying to get the leather installed without wrinkles or misalignment with the shape of the foam. It'll probably take you a good solid afternoon from start to finish.

    I didn't install new leather as it was about $1,000 just for the cover which in addition to the new seat foam which cost me almost $500 was more than I felt like spending. I wish I had though because it's almost the only part of my interior that shows any wear.
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  3. #3
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    I reupholstered a couple of bucket seats with covers and foam- though vinyl.. A real bit@h. Yes, hog rings and hog ring pliers. I learned how to do it, but I also gained respect for an upholsterer. I will never do that again. results were okay, but if it were leather, i'd pay for the experience. ask around your area for referrals. good luck.

  4. #4
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    Some good news if you don't mind a nice used seat cover: On the e39 w sport seats the passenger and driver covers are interchangeable. So ifyou find a nice passenger cover, or seat, that matches your interior, you can use the cover on the driver's seat.

    Yeah -- took me an afternoon to do that. To take two covers off and put one back on the driver's frame.
    Last edited by R Shaffner; 01-17-2025 at 10:11 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Champaign, Illinois
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    I purchased new OEM foam for both my front seats and the local upholsterer was very reasonable.. I can't remember the exact amount, something like $200, its in a thread here somewhere. The foam on the other hand was pricey.

    My car has 181k on it and the leather, both sides, looks like new. Really, I wouldn't want new. New needs to be broken in before it feels and looks right and with the amount of miles I put on the car it could take forever. Before the new foam, you could see a difference between the DS and PS where someone had dragged their fat posterior over it enough to cause depressions. But with me cleaning and conditioning it, and the upholsterer stretching it back over the new foam.. there was zero difference. I asked him to switch sides anyway.

    Note: I got a lot of dirt out of the leather. A lot. I had to clean it for hours. Not just one pass, but dozens of passes until the microfibers came out clean. And that was after using a 3m leather cleaning sponge(s) first.

    When you think about it.. that's an awful amount of dirt, grime, oils, whatnot.. I'm probably anal about such things, but for me a new used car/truck doesn't get used until I remove the seats, carpets, padding, and every bit of whatever I can get out. What I can't get out, I steam clean. There's a thread here somewhere with pics showing how hard it was to clean the steering wheel and shift knob, how much work went into it, lots and lots.. I eventually replaced both. Still have the original I should put on marketplace or somewhere.. For me, getting rid of other peoples oils and dead skin cells, old fries (who eats in their car? Probably the same people who drag their butt across the seats without lifting.), and who knows what else. Have you ever stopped to think how often you touch your face. Most touch their face multiple times in just minutes.. and what's on your hands from touching someone else's filth.. Ever take a UV light into a motel room? Enough to give you the shivers.. A car though, your nice car.. is a place of refuge and relaxation as you move through the gears, play your music, share with someone special.. I'm probably just weird about this stuff but I'm not a fan of other peoples filth..
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