Hello guys, we need your help. And we want to reward you for it!
We're thinking of upgrading our website a little to make searching for our products and completing the orders easier, faster, more intuitive, with least hassle possible. So we need your assistance here - we need to know what you like about our website and, most importantly, what you don't like, what you feel that needs to be changed for our website to be easier to navigate and operate. Our website currently looks like this:
We, the RedlineGoods team of car enthusiasts, we'll greatly appreciate if you take some time to visit our website: RedlineGoods.com, search for the products you like, add them to shopping cart, proceed to order details page, then configure your products in terms of materials, colors, and other options you might be interested in.
And then, I would like to hear your feedback on everything you fell could be improved - from the looks of the home page and product pages, through using the search on the page, all the way to picking desired products and navigating through order details page where you select colors and options.
And now the best part - to express our gratitude for Your assistance we will send a personal 25% DISCOUNT CODE to EVERYONE who send us their feedback that will be helpful for us in improving our website 🤩
So, meet me at: RedlineGoods.com, click around, see what works for you and let us know what does not and get your own DISCOUNT CODE for You to Take Pride in Your Ride 🤩
Thank you in advance!
Take care
RedlineGoods Team
RedlineGoods - Custom leather shift boots and more - Custom Made for Your Bimmer!
Join us on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM for product updates, contests and DISCOUNT CODES!!!