I have a 1990 525i e34. I parked the car a few days ago. Now it won't start. I have checked almost everything. I did replace the starter and the battery is fully charged. I am able to start the car is a place the key switch to two position and start the starter directly.
I would like to check the following: the starter relay, the starer power fuse, and the clutch safety switch, but I do not now where they are located. Can anyone tell me where they are located???
Last edited by tyromechanic; 04-16-2024 at 11:32 AM.
moved from 5 general to E34 forum, here are the wiring diagrams, there you find relays and fuses by built year https://shark.armchair.mb.ca/~dave/BMW/e34/
at the end are component location charts and pictures
Shogun tricks and tips for the E32 series are HERE!
There's no starter relay, no clutch safety switch, no starter fuse.
It's all in the ignition switch. Not the key barrel but a clip on electrical switch on the opposite side of the steering column. It goes:
-battery main fusible link/s
-key switch
- pass through anti start relay in fuse box (autos have a relay here for trans Park/neutral saftey but manuals just have a pass through jumper -yellow case with red stripe across the top)
-starter motor
The starter load is handled by the ignition switch without a relay.
Can you help me identify the clip on the electrical switch. I hope the picture helps.
My description meant to suggest you didn't have to pull the key barrel out, or access it from the key side.
The switch is on the back of it, accessed from to other side of the steering column.
Red is power in, black with stripe is to starter solenoid via fuse box jumper/relay
Last edited by fo3; 04-18-2024 at 11:30 PM.
Thank you again. I did not take the column out. I found the picture I posted online.