Have an E36 M3 in Australia. The car recently stopped firing on no2
Put another coil and plug on and no change.
Have run multimeter tests on idle and get the 12v positive to negative (on plug) 13.6v
When I tested signal on no 2 gives about 230mv to negative on plug. A working cylinder plug gives about 136mv at idle. I know this not a great technique but just wanted to check it wasn’t an open circuit
There has been signs of an animal living on the motor but no obvious cable damage. I would have thought a rat eating a cable would give an open circuit
The car has only done just over 50kkm so is very young.
Any thoughts appreciated
Rats like the plastic, not the wire. So they're more likely to cause shorts than open circuits.
Could be fuel too though. Have you tried a noid light on the injector?