So many moons ago my door handle broke and it was replaced with a key and tumbler from a parts car. My key would still start the car but I had a separate key for just the drivers door.

After about 7 years of this I decided to purchase a rekey kit and rekey the door to my ignition key.

As far as I can tell the tumblers look identical except for markings. But after tediously sorting through wafers to find the best fitting ones I went to reinstall the tumbler in my door and it wouldnt spin.

I figured I just didnt have it perfect enough except it would only partially come out.

Long story short I got it back out. Replaced a few suspect wafers and now I'm scared to try to re test fit it.

Here's my only thought. You'll see in the pictures there are three raised notches. My only thought is I inserted the tumbler upside down which is why it wouldnt turn.

Would you care to inspect my pictures and comment on my wager selection.

Pretty please



This last picture is comparing both my old working tumbler in the background and my new tumbler with my ignition key in the fore ground