Hi I am new but the software I have used before until computer go destroyed 7 years ago. Now trying to find all CORRECT software and having major issues.

1, GOT DIS. SSS. TIS. INPA. WINFKP and so on.
2, API32.DLL is a royal pain in my A***. will not run spams this issue. Installed in wow, sys32 all files relating to the software, changed path details. Failed!!
3 codes for API32.DLL 200.165 and 200.166 grrrr.
4, found a link on you site for the BMW standard car tools. removed all previous known version. this is a MAJOR failure again. This not API issue but something else which I forgot. So again removed and gave up and now on here.
5, EDIASBAS system was working when I finally got some issues resolved. not tried it after INPA major fails x4. So could be afffected.
6, Is their a reliable source of old material floating about. Most links are now dead on this site. Only 1 worked or allowed me to down fully. The standardbmwtools. which most of it failed. mainly INPA andNCSEXPERT.
7, NCS totally failed 110%.
8. My mind is like swizz cheese right and lost tons of sleep. Need major help.
9, Car has been seriously clocked and has been wrecked by previous owner. within the last week of the confirmed sale contract.
10. Now its down to me to try and fix this major headache. PLEASE PLEASE, where I can I find a fully finctional versions that is/are not corrupted.

525TDS 1997