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Forum: 6 Series (E24, E63, E64)

Following the success of the BMW 3.0CS, the E24 6 Series coupe's 1976 debut displayed ultra modern styling, true driver-oriented instrumentation, and set a new benchmark for luxury sports coupes. The new 6 Series continues this impressive heritage, offering a ride that is smooth as butter with its luxurious appointments and smooth drive train. But when asked, its hefty engine will remind you that it is more than simply another grand tourer, but a BMW at heart.

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  1. Following the success of the BMW 3.0CS, the E24 6 Series coupe's 1976 debut displayed ultra modern styling, true driver-oriented instrumentation, and set a new benchmark for luxury sports coupes. Whilst significant improvements in performance and luxury were developed over the years, to the untrained eye the basic shape of the E24 remained unchanged throughout its entire 13-year production run. The E24 6 series is an authoritative, menacing, beautifully aesthetic coupe that is never mistaken for anything else.

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  2. The new 6 Series target is a little different, but it still gets the job done. The 6 Series offer a ride that is smooth as butter with its luxurious appointments and smooth drive train. But when asked, its hefty engine will remind you that it is more than simply another grand tourer, but a BMW at heart.

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