View Full Version : BMW Major Groups for Defect Code or P/N

06-06-2002, 10:42 AM
Here is a little help for diagnosing Defect Codes in your BMW Vehicle History Report, or to find out the general area that a part if from if you are given the part number.

For example on my vehicle history report I have defect code 1832011500. I know that this particular service was to replace part of the exhaust system including one of the catalytic converters. If you look through some parts catalogs you will see that most exhaust part numbers have the following format
18.XX-X XXX XXX. So in short, the first 2 numbers in the Defect Code will tell you what area the service was done in, or the first 2 numbers of a part number will tell you what Major Group the part is from.

What about the rest of the numbers in the defect code? I'd like to know more if anyone has more information to share.

BMW Main Group (MG) Areas:

01 Literature
11 Engine
12 Engine Electrical System
13 Fuel Preparation System
16 Fuel Supply
17 Radiator
18 Exhaust Assembly
21 Clutch
22 Engine and Transmission Suspension
23 Manual Transmission
24 Automatic Transmission
25 Gearshift Assembly
26 Driveshaft Assembly
27 Transfer Box
31 Front Axle
32 Steering
33 Rear Axle
34 Brakes
35 Pedal Application
36 Wheels
41 Bodywork
51 Vehicle Trim
52 Seats
54 Sliding Roof/Folding Top
61 Vehicle Electrical System
62 Instruments/Measuring System
63 Lighting
64 Heater and Air Conditioning
65 Audio, Video, and Electrical Special System
66 Electronic Locking and Distance Systems
71 Equipment Parts
72 Seat Belts and Accessories
80 Accessories
81 Investment Goods
82 Vehicle Accessories
83 Manufacturing Supplier
84 Communication System

I just thought that this would be a good online reference document for everyone to use.