View Full Version : WTB: Used 93-95 325i or M3 Cylinder head

03-28-2002, 10:46 PM
Hello All,

I am looking at rebuilding my cylinder head in my 325i to be up to M3 spec, including valves springs, cams, lifters, etc. I already have the cams, and a few other of the items, but I am looking for a bare used cylinder from a 93 (with VANOS) or above 325i or M3. Am I correct in assuming that the 325i and M3 bare heads are both exactly the same?

I am looking to spend about 300-600 dollars for one, possibly more, depending on what it comes with. If someone has a cylinder head around that they want to get rid of, email me with what you have.


Jesse Chamberlain

03-28-2002, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Jesse325i
Hello All,
Am I correct in assuming that the 325i and M3 bare heads are both exactly the same?

Yes, they are the same head casting (different valvesprings I believe though, diff. cams). I should have a bare head; I'll check this weekend. Drop me a PM/email as a reminder tomorrow night.

03-29-2002, 01:24 AM
If nicko doesnt have one, I have one too! You can have the rest of the engine too for fun