View Full Version : BEWARE of Tiana Baker

Bert Poliakoff
01-05-2021, 10:37 AM
Someone named Tiana Baker responded to my wanted posting. Without going into detail about emails going back and forth for 3 days it appears to be a scammer. I may be wrong but my BS detector is working mostly because of the amount of emails to pin down an item and the other because of semi broken English. Best not taking a chance

01-06-2021, 04:09 PM
My BS detector was going off when I posted Fernando's car on FB last year. I was getting responses, mostly on FB Messenger from all over that just didn't feel right. Haven't encountered your person yet though.

01-06-2021, 08:47 PM
if you get a PM from a scammer, report the PM (click the button on the PM) and we will ban the scammer immy

01-10-2021, 11:13 PM
This is a common scam method right now. I have seen it on several other forums I belong to.

01-15-2021, 07:23 PM
I had a parts wanted ad and got tons of scammers. All just joined the forum and had 0 posts. They all wanted to communicate via email. Reported all of them.

Beware of anyone with no history on the site.