View Full Version : Hey Another Hawaii Euro!

10-21-2016, 10:07 PM
Wow! Came across another Euro in Hawaii! Its on CL and looks cool. Recaros, M90, Dogleg CR Trans, nice...


10-21-2016, 10:24 PM
Wow! Came across another Euro in Hawaii! Its on CL and looks cool. Recaros, M90, Dogleg CR Trans, nice... https://honolulu.craigslist.org/oah/cto/5831997152.html

It needs to part of a loving Hawaiian shark family with at least 3 siblings...

10-23-2016, 07:10 PM
Wow! Came across another Euro in Hawaii! Its on CL and looks cool. Recaros, M90, Dogleg CR Trans, nice...


You know what you have to do.

10-28-2016, 11:32 PM
Hey, would this be one of the oldest 635csi in the world? 1978. There was a thread regarding 1970's 633csi models.

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It needs to part of a loving Hawaiian shark family with at least 3 siblings... Hold on there Cowboy....The family is grown to an unmanageable size these days. Braunie has been ignored and neglected (stored and barely driven), so I need to move her on very soon. I'm cleaning her up again from head to toe and we'll see what happens next.

Home renovations will start up again and she will be outside again :( Need my shop back in full force. Although it would be cool to swap parts with this CL car.

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You know what you have to do. Run???

11-09-2016, 02:24 AM
Hey Roku,

That's my car :) It's listed to show my parents that I'm "selling" the car. They want their garage space back.
So far, I've had zero calls, messages, or emails regarding the car, and I'm okay with that ;)

According to e-24.ru/, the VIN (5545154) falls under the range

5545001 - 5550000
12/77 - 05/80

It is definitely an oldie, build date 07/78.

11-14-2016, 08:46 PM
Thats great! Selling these Classics in Hawaii is not easy. Got to be an BMW enthusiast first and have a high threshold for DIY for these old gals. Still my favorite BMW ever.

I actually am thinking on selling my zobelbraun metallic model (auto). All original with 46K miles. Runs perfectly and still is solid mechanically. I hold it as my parts car, but it is still nice with buffalo nutria sports interiors. I need to feed the leather some food to bring it back to its soft supple self again. I had her outside for a little while and she didn't like that at all. :(

I was going to give it to my niece if she wants it, but will sell it to you if you're interested in another 6er. Haha!