View Full Version : 1985 635csi Odometer Not Working/Mechanic in LA?

10-14-2016, 05:37 PM
Hey all,

The speedometer works but the odometer does not. From my research, seems like it's the gears inside and it's not uncommon. This seems to be the place for parts: http://www.odometergears.com/products/BMW/6+Series+E24+76-84+Mech./29

But, I'm not real handy around cars and wouldn't trust myself to do the work. Anyone know a shop that could do this in LA? The 3 Euro specialty places I've called can't do it.

Bonus question: is the dash supposed to light up (with the headlights on at night)? It's been a while since I drove it at night and the odom/speedo console has no light.


10-14-2016, 08:01 PM
it's not that bad of a job, maybe one of the local members on here can help out there, Yes on the dash lights, silly question,but have you adjusted the dimmer dial ? Sorry, looking at simple things first

10-15-2016, 01:50 AM

10-15-2016, 05:21 PM
I just replaced my gears using odometergears website instructions- was easy. And can do bulbs while your in there- happy to help if your in a jam with mechanics not wanting to- takes about an hr.

10-17-2016, 01:03 AM
it's not that bad of a job, maybe one of the local members on here can help out there, Yes on the dash lights, silly question,but have you adjusted the dimmer dial ? Sorry, looking at simple things first

I did adjust all the knobs that could conceivably be the dimmer knob. I fell short of checking in the manual for which one actually controls the dash light.

I'll call that NHspeedometer and otherwise will see if anyone on the forum can help. Appreciate the responses so far!

10-17-2016, 10:09 AM
+1 for nhspeedometers